
About us

Our Okuno Laboratory focuses on "MHD (magnetohydrodynamics) power generation" that performs highly efficient electric power generation from various energy sources using high-speed plasma flow in the presence of magnetic field. Both experiments and numerical simulations are passionately carried out to improve the performance of the generator as an environmentally friendly energy conversion device. We are also interested in applications of MHD technology to energy, environment, and aerospace research fields. Eager students from various universities and fields gather and work together in fun and vibrant atmosphere. All members will welcome your visiting our laboratory.

Main research theme

 Improvement of the performance in closed cycle MHD generator

 Development of alkali-metal-seed-free pure inert gas plasma MHD generator

 Numerical Simulation of MHD Plasma-Fluid Flow Behavior

Contact us

Okuno lab.
Department of mechanical Engineering,Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Room408 G3 Bldg. Suzukakedai Campas

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